Monday, January 23, 2012

And so it begins...

It's been a while since I've had a blog so I have yet to see whether I will actually keep it up. I'm not advertising this or hoping for comments, views, or readers. This is an outlet more than anything. Recently my boyfriend told me that He felt the Lord say He shouldn't be in this relationship. I know we haven't been honoring Him in everything and so I feel as though we need to reset our relationship and refocus it on the foundation of Jesus. But as of now, I am single and away from family and friends. I looked forward to telling my man about my day. All of my friends are married with kids and I can't really call them every night to be like hey what's up can I tell you about my day? Kinda awkward eh? (I've been hanging out with a cool Canadian's rubbing off a tad) I speak to the Lord all day as things are happening so I want some other way to capture and reflect on my day. I journal but this will be something different I think. I tend to just write as I think so no one should read this and expect great literature. :) Anyway, that will do as my introduction and beginning. Here goes nothing...