Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The edge of the Jordan

That day in September did end in joy somewhat. Not what I wanted it to be, but something nonetheless. I left with peace. Since then, I've thought it was hopeless and over so many times yet it came back and forth. I've continued to pray for restoration. I've waited and made my decision to step out in faith and move based on Your promise. For a while, nothing happened and I thought that maybe I wasn't supposed to be there...maybe I would go back to Egypt. And then, all of a sudden, You begin to open doors. Although, the words have been spoken that what I long for will never happen...yet whose word should I believe? Your promise or the faulty word of man? Take my actions in moving as faith in Your promise. Help my unbelief.

 I feel as though I was in captivity in Louisiana. I spent so long feeling stuck there. Yet, during that time, I grew so much in knowledge of You. I grew so much in trusting You and following Your voice. It was my Egypt. Like Israel growing in faith and spiritual maturity grew larger. Then my Promised Land became known....I was ready to go! Ready to take it and inhabit it. But like Joshua and Caleb...I discovered that my readiness wasn't matched by the other party. So I've been in the wilderness. Halfway between Egypt and the Promised Land. You've sustained me with manna in this wilderness. I've grown even closer and deeper in understanding and dependence on Your provision. Now the time has come to cross Jordan and begin taking Jericho. You led Your people in...You didn't leave them in the wilderness forever....You never change. Come bring me into my Promised Land. Bring me in to take it and inhabit it. Fulfill the promises You've made. Bring to pass the visions You've given me. Don't delay. Bring me home.

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